Our heros need our help

As an outdoor adventurer, the chances are high that at some point you will benefit from a search and rescue group. Maybe someone in your party will get lost, or perhaps you will run across a person who is sick or injured. You might need help yourself. Having the right resources and knowledge may save a life.

When the 911 call eventually comes in, search and rescuers spring into action. One way to support these volunteers is to buy a Colorado Outdoor Recreation Search and Rescue (CORSAR) Card. For just a few dollars per year you can provide financial assistance to the groups that need it.

Show your support

Another way to support SAR is to buy our mountain rescue-themed stickers. For every search and rescue sticker sold, Top Peak donates $2 to a Colorado or ADK search and rescue organization; these groups need our help.

Shop Stickers

Mountain Rescue Blog

Please check out our SAR Blog for real-time stories. Read them and learn—bad things can happen to any of us; please stay safe out there!